Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tim McGraw & Lady Antebellum...

For Christmas, Tony got Nicki and I Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum tickets.  We were finally able to RECEIVE our Christmas Gift on March 25, as they were FINALLY here.  We knew we would be in the balcony...but we didn't know we would be SO high up! 
My zoom is good...but not THAT good.  So, in between Lady Antebellum and Tim, Nicki and I decided to go to the lower level to see if we could just get a good picture.  While looking around, one of the employees came up to us and told us we would have to go back to our seats once the show started again.  I told her, "OK...we were just going to take a quick picture for my daughter."  She then asks where we are sitting, we point, and she gave us a GREAT tip!  She said, if we go down to the bottem row, just on the side of the stage, we could sit in those seats as they don't sell those seats because they are slightly obstructed.   We went down there, not sure where to go, and asked another employee.  (Not wanting to get kicked out for being in the wrong spot.)  He directed us to the BEST seats!  Nobody was in front of us, only the sound guys! 
Nicki really liked this idea! 
Funny part of this story is, the day before the concert, the radio was giving away tickets.  You just had to answer a question right.  Would you know...I got it right!  So, I had another set of tickets.  We still liked our seats better, so we gave Rudi and Bekky our extra seats.  Once Nicki and I got to our SPECIAL seats, Bekky texted me, "Where R U?"  Well, I told her exactly where we were and invited her and Rudi to come to our little VIP section.
In the meantime, I was also texting my friend Hallie, and told her to also come to our VIP section.  But, she was a loser and didn't come. :) 
Lord knows what she was missin' out on!!  Well, she had pretty good seats too, so guess she didn't miss out on so much!

Oh my...he was RIGHT THERE! 
(It was at this time, we had Nicki's hat, waving in the air, for him to sign, and he said to Nicki, "In a minute..."  WOOHOO!
Well, he never did come to sign her hat, but that was ok...she still got 3 band members to sign it, and 2 guitar picks that say TIM MCGRAW. :)
I am pretty certain he did this pose for me.
I'm just sayin.
I have been a VERY good mom this year!
As we were thoroughly enjoying ourselves, one of the bouncer/security guys comes up to me and says, "Would you like to take your daughter to the stage?"
Uhhhh...YES SIR REE!
And we did just that! 
This is where we spent the remainder of the concert.  With our hat and arms propped up on the stage...COULD IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT?!  We had the best view!
These two guys above, and the one below are the ones who signed NIcki's hat.
This is one crazy fan, her name is NICKI. :)

The smile on her face made the night 100% perfect.
So, now I know the secret seats to sit in...can't wait to try it at the next concert!! :)


Baba said...

Wow! You did get the best seats in the house!

How blessed are you to get tickets for Christmas, win more tickets, get bumped toward the stage a couple of times, and have Mr. Tim McGraw personally pose for you - it was a right mighty fine pose too, if I do say so myself.

I'm officially jealous.

Becky said...


Nadeen said...

Well, YaHoo! What a deal. I always want to better my seats too once I'm in a concert, but I have a hubby that doesn't. So when I was at a Charlie Pride and then a day later a Kenny Rogers concert and was there alone, I did just that! Like 4th row seats! YaHoo!

This will be a lifelong memory maker for you two!

nAdEEn - dEE :)

Mardell said...

Oh Jimi! How COOL is THAT?! OMGosh! You guys lucked out big time. Next time you'll end up backstage, no doubt in my mind! LOL Rock on sistas!

Jenny said...

Oh Jimi! I'm so happy and excited for you both! I can hardly wait for her to open for Tim! I'm going to be there for THAT concert...throwing my hat up in the air and screaming.

You are awesome Jimi!

Veronica S said...

OMG, so lucky to have seen Lady Antebellum. I LOVE them.

Anonymous said...

I love this two singers, I'm going to be there for that concert...I'll buy my tickets at Lady Antebellum Tickets!