Monday, March 23, 2009


Let's play...
Can YOU tell ME what this is??
Go ahead...give it a try...put your thoughts in the comment section...
Oh, and 2 of you were present when I took this picture...YOU cannot cast your vote!
I will announce the winner and tell you WHAT this foreign object is...
on Friday, March 27.
Good LUCK!! :)

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Jenny said...

I think it's a very furry vest. My word verification was beakimat. Isn't that a cool word?

Anonymous said...

it's a prego belly????

Greg and Sarah Whittaker said...

hi Jimi! I know that look in the picture very well... Your family is beautiful! How about baby number 5 and then you will have another game picture! Ü
Sarah T. in Texas

Anonymous said...

my 2 girls

Nicki Meier said...

Sarah T...YOU are VERY funny!! not.
And "Anonymous"...I know who you are!! :)

Jenny..."beakimat"?? never hear of that one before!! know what I think of that!! Go Hallie Go!!

Anonymous said...

fuzzy sweater over prego belly definitely!! (Sam/CB)

Anonymous said...

Baby Belly :)